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Help make AI personal.

Who are you?

Identity is something we chase all our lives. Who we are is ever evolving and we are influenced by the content we see.

We see content such as images, products, and short videos shown to us without us knowing why. How does the algorithm work? Unless you work at the company delivering the content, it’s practically impossible to get answers to these questions. What if you could recommend content, accurately, tailored to each individual’s preferences? What if you could make your own app that was better than TikTok?

Open Source Recommender

We have open sourced our recommender system at bemorehuman on Github so you can fork it, help fix bugs, or use it under the liberal MIT license for your own project. It’s there to demonstrate how to recommend things to people based on their own unique preferences. The idea is that people are individuals and when we all get recommendations for things, we shouldn’t be compared to other people. Because we’re not like someone else. We’re unique. This concept of individual uniqueness is baked-in to the core technology and is the driving concept behind the technology.

Healthy attitude towards AI

AI is scary according to people who trade in fear. For us at Be More Human, we believe that AI is not some scary thing from the movies. We know fear sells; there’s a lot of money to be made if you can create an enemy and sell that enemy to people. We think there’s a better approach to AI and this approach can be aspirational.

The secret is that AI is whatever we want it to be. We can shape it. All it takes is interest. If you want to change AI, and make it better for all of us, well, that’s a pretty awesome attitude to take.

Artificial Intelligence means lots of things to different people. For example, within companies that write AI software, developers might see things like this:

Mysterious: “Artificial Intelligence” is used by investors
A little less abstract: “Machine Learning” is used by management
Well-understood: “Linear Regression” is used by developers

Some people like to make things sound bigger than they really are. Like how a pufferfish blows up to make itself appear bigger to its enemies. To the people writing the actual code for AI, well-understood techniques such as linear regression are key to creating Artificial Intelligence systems.

It’s time to de-mystify AI.

Support for Communities

Do you have a group of people who would like to know more about AI or how we can retain identity in the modern digital world? The Be More Human Charitable Trust is here to help.

Our mission: “Be More Human is about making sure we, as humans, retain and strengthen our individual identity when dealing with the modern technology-driven world.”

If you’re in New Zealand, we can come to your group and speak in person. We can tailor the topic to your group’s needs by offering practical, actionable things you can do to have a more healthy relationship with modern technology.

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

— Albert Einstein


Feel free to contact us with any questions. Just fill out the form and we’ll be in touch soon.